Tax Review

Our tax specialists can help you limit your tax exposure across business areas by conducting comprehensive tax reviews.

Most companies are exposed to multiple minor, yet systematic, tax risks. If such risks are left unattended, they can accumulate to significant tax exposure. Our tax reviews help you determine hidden tax risks, mitigate your tax exposure and help your company to optimize taxes and achieve tax savings. As part of our service, we identify how to most delicately correct historic tax risks and prevent them in the future.

Our tax reviews can focus on either specific taxes (e.g. VAT, income tax or payroll), or comprehensively review all company related taxes.

In addition, we provide trainings to your staff on tax compliance and tax risks mitigation to develop your in-house capabilities.

As part of tax reviews we can assist you with the following:

  • Identify tax risks and develop mitigating solutions
  • Identify tax saving opportunities and help you capture them
  • Provide in-house trainings to your staff on tax compliance and tax risk mitigation



Reg no: 12236209

Bank account: EE072200221054463485 (Swedbank)